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Golf – Collarbone Recovery Status Report

Golf – Collarbone Recovery Status Report - Tumblemind Writing
Golf – Collarbone Recovery Status Report

So, How's the recovery going?

This will be my shortest blog to date. Basically, I just wanted to catch anyone up who’s interested how I’m progressing after the “man of steel” collarbone repair surgery. I completed the 3rd week after surgery this past Thursday, 12 July. The first three days were spent in an opioid fog. I hated the very stoned feeling so as soon as I could bear the pain I switched to ibuprofen. I took a lot of those but as I healed the pain decreased and now I’ve taken one pain pill in three days. I still hurt but it’s bearable.

I started putting late last week. The picture below is in our family room where the TV resides and I putt and watch TV. Previously I kind of guessed distances except 3 foot is about a putter length. With tape I noted 3, 4, 5, and 6 foot putt distances in the

carpet’s pattern. The pressure putting drill I worked on was the 5-4-3-2 drill. Make 5 from 3 ft, 4 from 4 ft, 3 from 5 ft, and 2

from 6 ft. If I miss any one I go back to the beginning. I’ve only finished it once though so it’s a tough drill and the last putt at 5 and 6 ft becomes a knee-knocker!

Earlier this week the muscles that were cut to make the repair started mending and I began to regain mobility in the right arm. I still cannot lift the arm above shoulder height, but I can move it around well enough. I got to drive my pickup truck Wednesday for the first time and took the opportunity to drive to Avery Ranch where I practiced putting for about an hour. No drills, just finding out if I can lag putt with current mobility. Turns out I was lag putting very well. Next week I will head out there a couple of times to start working the drills described in the putting mastery blog post.

One arm swing training.

Finally, I have been going out in the back yard every day since early last week and work on swinging a 9-iron and an unused 5-hybrid with my left hand. I work on sequencing, and feeling the club path, and shot shapes and also things like hip turn instead of hip thrust. Fortunately the kitchenette window provides a perfect mirror to observe my motion.

Today, the mobility in the right arm has improved enough that I was able to make partial swings with both hands/arms in my back yard exercises. I can make an L-to-L backswing but have to let go of the club at around impact as that’s where the restriction begins. In my last doctor’s visit the nurse said, “don’t baby your arm.” I am definitely working it with various shoulder and arm exercises that I take to the boundary of pain and bit beyond to ensure I don’t become stiff.

How about that! I can write a short blog!


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Freelance Content Writer. Retired computer engineer and Army veteran.

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